
Illustrator & Character designer

[email protected] - Open for commercial work

Commission information

Current status: waitlist

My Patreon and Ko-fi supporters get priority on commissions and they will always open up first for them.Detailed armor/designs will be charged extra depending on complexity. Characters with non existing design will have an extra charge for character design.

If you'd like to commission me please be sure to read my Terms of Service first. You can check more information on prices down below, and if you have any questions feel free to contact me in any of the places listed below!You can check my current commission queue here.Contact info
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @Caminukai
Discord: Caminukai
Thank you so much for your interest!


TypeDescriptionStarting price
PortraitA portrait up to the shoulders$150
Bust shotA bust shot of a character of your choice$200
Half bodyMid-thigh and up of a character of your choice$250
Full bodyA character of your choice fully drawn$400

Sketch page

Reminder: References for each pose/expression are mandatory. Please be sure to add them on the form if you'd like a commission in this type!

TypeDescriptionStarting price
Character sketchesA set of 4 drawings of a character of your choice (2 full body, 1 half body & 1 close up shot)$180
+Add extra poseAdd an additional pose to the page$45

Caminukai Terms of service

If you commission me you are accepting the following Terms of Service.GENERAL INFORMATION1. You need to be 18 years old or older in order to commission me.
2. Please remember that filling out the form is not an immediate acceptance of the commission. I will notify you if your commission has been approved.
3. Visual references are mandatory. Send me as many as you think would be necessary for me in order to complete your commission.
4. I retain all the rights of my work to post, modify or sell the product in any way.
5. All commissions are non-profit/personal use only. An extra fee can be paid for commercial use.
6. You can only post the signed version of your commission online. You can use the no signature version for personal use like prints, icons, etc.
7. I reserve the right to refuse or cancel a commission for any reason I feel necessary. Things such as uncooperative behavior, disrespect from the client, lack of communication, health problems and anything else that may apply. If a commission gets canceled by me there will be a refund (the amount will be specified below).
8. None of my artworks (commissioned or personal) is permitted to be used as NFTs or to be used to train AI in any way or form.
————————————I WILL draw:
-Original Characters
-Complex armor/designs
I WON'T draw:
-Gore or violence
-Furry (WoW or FFXIV races are OK!)

————————————PAYMENT AND REFUND1. All payments are made through PayPal in USD only.
2. Payments are upfront in full unless a payment plan has been discussed beforehand. I’ll send you an invoice to your email and I'll start your commission when the payment has been made.
3. There are no refunds after the payment is effectuated.
4. If I have to cancel the commission for any particular reason, you will receive a full refund. If I already started you will receive a partial refund depending on how far I am on the piece.
————————————COMMISSION PROCESS1. When I start working on your commission, it can take up to four weeks for it to be done, depending on the complexity of it. You can expect it earlier than that depending on my current commission queue. You can see when I start working on your commission as well as at what stage of the commission I am on my trello page here. If your commission was approved I will add you to the queue right away and you can track any progress I make there. If you have any questions of the process feel free to reach out!
2. All the references you sent me must be of your property. If you want me to use a character/design exactly like the image or anything that does not belong to you, you must have proper permission from the original artist for me to proceed to use it. References used only for inspiration/reference are ok.
3. When I start working on your commission there will be one revision on each step of it (sketch and colors). In each step you can change anything regarding that particular step. If there's anything I forgot to add those changes can be done for free. After that’s been approved there will be no further changes. Any extra changes will be charged accordingly.
POSTING ONLINE1. I can use the commissioned artwork for future commissions openings to promote myself and as an example of my work.
2. I can upload the commissioned artwork to my social media. If you don’t want me to post it or stream it because it’s a gift, please let me know in advance.
3. You can upload your commission to any website/social media as long as credit is given to me for my work (there has to be a link to any of my social media). You can only post the signature version of your commission. You can also use it as a reference for other commissions as well.
————————————If you have any questions for any of these terms, do not hesitate to contact me on my Twitter (@Caminukai) or via email so we can discuss it. Thank you for reading!
Email: [email protected]
Updated on October 18, 2023